Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Natural Remedies/Powerful Benefits: Lemons MOST POWERFUL ALKALIZING food in the planet

Lemons are one of the most POWERFUL ALKALIZING foods on the planet!
Start the day with 2 glasses of water with the juice if 1 lemon. This helps to alkalize & balance the body after a night of sleep & restoration & it stimulates the peristaltic action of the digestive system preparing the body for food.
Lemons are anti-bacterial, anti-micbrobial, antioxidant & believed to be anti-carcinogenic, ho

meopathically freshening your breath & cleaning out the mouth. They also help detoxify your body leaving your skin GLOWING. Love your liver & gallbladder with fresh lemon juice daily!
Lemons are also LOADED with Vitamin C and antioxidants, as well as proteins, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium & fiber which helps with cardiovascular and respiratory health.
The BEST part? If you are a food combiner, they combine perfectly with EVERYTHING and make things taste spectacular!

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