Monday, September 24, 2012


You can feel good about choosing ChakWave. The company uses high quality, organic ingredients and has consciously chosen to place them in wholesome glass jars. The jars are reusable or recyclable, and there is never any leaching of chemicals from plastic.
ChakWave is dedicated to the nourishment of both body and soul on the individual level as well as the enrichment of the environment and community. By exhibiting integrity in the support of spiritual and life exploration while teaching and promoting optimal health and wellness, ChakWave is not just a juice, it's a lifestyle.

A chakra is a vortex of constantly moving energy. In Sanskrit, the classical language of India, chakra literally means "wheel." There are seven primary chakras, and they are often visualized as spinning wheels of light forming a ladder from the base of the spine to the top of the head.
Their spiraling energy corresponds with glands in the endocrine system as well as organs in the body. The chakras harness energy from the earth and heavens, conducting life force energy throughout the body.
Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects are associated with each of the seven main chakras. Each corresponds directly with the colors of the rainbow as well. Think of your body as a prism!
Practicing yoga, meditating, chanting, and participating in various forms of color therapy are some of the activities that may aid in unblocking and balancing the chakras.

The carefully formulated recipes of each ChakWave Chakra Tonic are comprised of fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, and teas corresponding to one of the seven primary chakra energy points.
Food therapy can be an excellent way to strengthen the flow of energy, and ChakWave is designed to stimulate the individual chakras. Whatever the challenge, celebration, or activity, ChakWave is the perfect taste bud titillating tonic!



Boosts immune function. Strengthens teeth and bones. Reduces insomnia and tension.
 Contains high levels of antioxidants. Increases productivity of carcinogen-detoxifying enzymes.
 From South Africa and known as “Redbush Tea.”


Every part of the plant (root, bark, flowers, fruit, leaves) is used for medicinal purposes in Ayurveda.
Packed with polyphenols, Vitamin C, and potassium. May be effective in reducing heart disease.
Symbolic of prosperity, abundance, and good luck in virtually every society. 
The name pomegranate derives from Middle French, pomme gernete literally means "seedy apple.


Contains potassium, Vitamin C, magnesium, niacin, calcium, iron. is non-allergenic.
 Pear trees made their way to Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1629 and popped up with a partridge in
 “The Twelve Days of Christmas” in the 18th century.
 Greek poet Homer lauds pears as a “gift of the gods” in “The Odyssey.”

Beet Juice and Extract:

One of the most nutrient loaded foods. High in iron. Improves liver and kidney function.
 A blood tonic increasing flow and lowering blood pressure. Supports digestion.
 Increases immune system functioning. Contains betalaines which aide in detoxification, relaxation
and is used to treat depression. Aphrodite consumed beets for beauty.

Cane Sugar:

Rich in flavor. As it is the first step in making sugar, natural vitamins and minerals are maintained.
Adds a dab of sweetness. Recorded in the Hindu text Atharva Veda, people gave cane sugar as an offering
 and used it as a symbol of sweet attractiveness. Before the 6th century BC, honey was the only
 sweetener outside of Asia so visitors were very intrigued by this “reed which makes honey without bees”


There are about 200 seeds in a single strawberry. contains riboflavin, vitamin B6, copper, iron, thiamin, zinc.
 helps in lowering cholesterol and preventing disease. In Medieval times they symbolized peace, prosperity,
 and perfection. Tens of thousands of strawberries are served with dollops of cream each year at Wimbledon.
 “Strawberry Fields Forever” by The Beatles was inspired by John Lennon’s days of playing in the garden 
of a Salvation Army children’s home named “Strawberry Field.”

Chia Seeds:

Cha cha cha chia. Yes, this is the same chia as the famous chia pet. packed with Omega-3 fatty acids.
 Great source of protein, antioxidants, and soluble fiber. Supports digestion.
 Chia seeds soak up ten times their weight in liquids. Helps control appetite.
 Provides energy boost. Aztec Warriors took handfuls of chia before battle and even used the seeds
 as currency. Food source as far back as 3500 BC.

Citrus acid and Pectin:

Vegan thickener packs a taste bud pop. Creates a smooth texture. Helps to maintain pH level.
Inhibits bacterial growth. Antioxidant and source of fiber. Derived directly from plant cells.
Citric acid is present in many fruits and vegetables but the citrus family takes the lead with lemons,
 limes, oranges, and tangerines. Pectin is a “cellular cement” shaping cell walls of all plant tissue.



Strengthens immune system and treat colds and flu. Reduces sinus swelling and nasal congestion.
May possess anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and anticancer properties. Potassium and Vitamin C.
 Elder wood used to make woodwind instruments. Said to create music the spirit world appreciates,
connecting the physical to the spiritual.



Supports the adrenals and helps tissues stay healthy. Immune system booster.
 May slow the aging process. Calms the mind and promotes restful sleep.
As an adaptogen it helps the body resist stress and find balance. Stimulates nervous system and aides
 in mental focus. Ayurvedic doctors use it as a rasayana which is a tonic for greater vitality and longevity.
 nicknamed “Ayurvedic Ginseng.”


Wards off infections. Immunostimulator. Native Americans used it to treat snakebites, rabies, and toothaches.
 Serves as an aromatic in sweat lodges. Helps reduce inflammation. Treats lesions and fever blisters.
Spiky scales on the seed resemble spines of a hedgehog, “echinos” is Greek for hedgehog.



Source of iron, potassium, and zinc. Used to treat liver and gallbladder issues.
 Chinese used it as a blood purifier. Native Americans drank to heal kidney disease,
 troubled stomachs, and to clear skin issues. Used as a diuretic to rid the body of excess fluid.
Nicknamed “fairy clocks” flowers open in the morning and close at night in a predictable manner


Reishi mushroom:

Used in Chinese medicine to help one live longer. Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure.
Treats fatigue and sleep problems. Calms the nervous system, balances altitude sickness,
and lessens the symptoms of asthma. Some use it when undergoing chemotherapy.
References made to reishi in Chinese architecture, patterns, and literature.
 Chinese herbalists called it “the herb of spiritual potency”.


Black Tea:

Heart-health properties.  Rich in antioxidants. Neutralizes germs and deactivates viruses.
 Potential fat buster, heart tonic, and arthritis soother.  Studies have shown blood vessel improvement
within hours of drinking black tea.  Consuming on a regular basis is believed to reduce risk of strokes.
 Mandarin word describing preparation of tea translates to “free time” as it is necessary
 contemplation time for the brewer.


Vitamin A contributes to retina function.  May assist in prevention of cataracts. 
Vitamins C,D, E, K, B1, and B6.  Carotenoids such as beta-carotene support the brain, lungs,
 bones, and skin.  Promotes cell growth and protects mucous membranes.
  Ladies of the English court wore lacy carrot top foliage as hair and hat ornamentation.     


Stone fruit with outer fleshiness surrounding a shell with a seed inside.
 National fruit of India, Pakistan, and the Philippines.  Study found the polyphenolic anti-oxidant
compounds staves off colon, breast, and prostate cancers.  Contains potassium, copper,
and Vitamin E.  High in iron and used to treat anemia.  Some Hindus brush their teeth with mango
 twigs on holy days.  Mango leaves are hung in homes to encourage fertility.


Vitamin C galore. Rocks potassium, magnesium, thiamin, and folate too.  Boosts immune system. 
Helps build and repair cells.  Anti-inflammatory that could reduce arthritis issues. 
On Chinese New Year it is tradition to set out oranges for good health, wealth, and a long life.
 May increase metabolic rate. 


Rich in antioxidants.  Zero cholesterol.  Alkalinity, minerals, and vitamins act as liver cleanser keeping
the pH level balanced.  Vitamin C aides in the production of anti-aging collagen.
 An aphrodisiac in many cultures, They are associated with love, beauty, pleasure, sensuality, virility,
 and fertility.  An apple fell to the ground in 1665 and Sir Isaac Newton was inspired to delve
 into the concept of gravity.  Fruit specialist J.T. Stinson declared “an apple a day keeps the doctor
 away” at the St. Louis Exposition in 1904.  Norse mythology holds apples as a source of eternal youth.

Cane Sugar:

Rich in flavor. As it is the first step in making sugar, natural vitamins and minerals are maintained.
Adds a dab of sweetness. Recorded in the Hindu text Atharva Veda, people gave cane sugar as an offering
 and used it as a symbol of sweet attractiveness. Before the 6th century BC, honey was the only sweetener
 outside of Asia so visitors were very intrigued by this “reed which makes honey without bees”

Chia Seeds:

Cha cha cha chia. Yes, this is the same chia as the famous chia pet. packed with Omega-3 fatty acids.
Great source of protein, antioxidants, and soluble fiber. Supports digestion.
Chia seeds soak up ten times their weight in liquids. Helps control appetite. Provides energy boost.
Aztec Warriors took handfuls of chia before battle and even used the seeds as currency.
 Food source as far back as 3500 BC.

Citrus acid and Pectin:

Vegan thickener packs a taste bud pop. Creates a smooth texture. Helps to maintain pH level. Inhibits
 bacterial growth. Antioxidant and source of fiber. Derived directly from plant cells.
Citric acid is present in many fruits and vegetables but the citrus family takes the lead with lemons, limes,
 oranges, and tangerines. Pectin is a “cellular cement” shaping cell walls of all plant tissue.


Lowers LDL cholesterol and blood pressure.  Combats bladder and yeast infections.
 Relieves arthritis pain lowers blood sugar. Improves circulation to the abdomen relieving discomfort and
supporting the uterus and digestive organs.  Chinese medical philosophy believes it removes blocks that
cause pain and cramps by moving the vital energy qi.  Creates a warming effect to heat up cold fingers
 and toes.  Aroma boosts memory and cognitive function.  In Middle Ages cinnamon was served to
 impress guests as it was a symbol or wealth and power.


Morinda citrifilia.  Indian mulberry.  Known as “magic fruit” in the Pacific Islands as it lowers blood sugar
and pressure.  Contains selenium, xeronine, glycosides, and anthraquinones which support the immune
system and boost the mood.  Stimulates the pineal gland which in turn affects the sexual organs and glands.
 Improves prostate and uterine health.  Tongan god Maui is said to have been resurrected when noni leaves
 were placed on his body.


Lycium chinense.  Wolfberry.  Superfood.  Anti-oxidants galore.  Polysaccharides to support
 immune system.  Contains cyperone with is used in treating cervical cancer.
 In China they are planted to help control erosion.  Used by practictioners of traditional Chinese medicine.
  Grows wild in United Kingdom hedgerows where it is known as Duke of Argyll’s Tea Tree.
Contains Vitamin C, amino acids, and potassium.



Witheria somnifera.  Supports the adrenals and helps tissues stay healthy.  Immune system booster. 
May slow the aging process.  Calms the mind and promotes restful sleep.  As an adaptogen it helps the
body resist stress and find balance.  Stimulates nervous system and aides in mental focus.
 Ayurvedic doctors use it as a rasayana which is a tonic for greater vitality and longevity.
 Nicknamed “Ayurvedic Ginseng.”

Ingredients(Coming soon) 



Ingredients(Coming soon)

Ingredients(Coming soon)

Ingredients(Coming soon)

Ingredients(Coming soon)



RootChakra Tonic and Sacral Chakra Tonic

8- 8oz bottles per package = $45 

MIX package (4 of each: Root and Sacral) = $45





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