Thursday, October 4, 2012

Natural Remedies/Powerful Benefits: Almighty Bay Leaf

Bay Leaf

Bay leaves can be used for much more than just cooking. Did you know the bay leaf has a reputation for soothing the stomach and relieving flatulence? Try a tea made from bay leaves for minor stomach upsets. Place a few leaves in a pot of water and bring to a boil. That's all there is to it!

Bay is also well known for its ability to relieve the aches and pains associated with rheumatism, sprains, bruises, and skin rashes. Distill an oil from the leaves and rub on the affected areas, or make an ointment to rub into affected areas.

Studies have shown that Bay has mild narcotic and sedative effects in mice, and therefore can be tried in a tea before bed for better sleep, or after a stressful day.

The classical legend of bay's origin was Daphne's transformation into the laurel tree during her pursuit by Apollo. Though versions vary, one infers that the nymph Daphne was a fiercely independent, rather wild creature and rather than give herself to Apollo, she pleaded with her father, the river god Ladonas, to transform her. Another account indicates that Apollo was wounded by an arrow of Eros (cupid) and fell madly in love with Daphne, who fled from his advances and was changed into the slender bay laurel moments before her capture. All agree that Apollo was so astounded by the tree's beauty that he claimed the laurel as his own and dedicated it to reward the highest achievements of Greek civilization. Bay was first an herb of poets, but also of oracles, warriors, statesmen, and doctors. The leaves were made into wreaths for illustrious poets and the ancients used them to crown heroes.

Bay is bound to Jupiter and fire. It is used in magick for wisdom, protection, clairvoyance, and purification purposes.

Burn fresh bay leaves to increase psychic powers and for divination. Wishes are written on bay leaves which are then burned to make them come true. Alternatively, make a weak tea to increase wisdom and clairvoyance.

It is said that you can hang bay leaves at the highest point in the house for protection, or burn and let the smoke hit all four corners of the house for purification and to banish evil. This is appropriate in new house or apartment situations.

Legend has it that a girl could dream of her future husband on St. Valentine's Eve by sleeping with four bay or laurel leaves pinned to the corners of her pillow. Some believed that lovers stayed faithful as long as each carried half of the same laurel twig. Today, the laurel leaf still represents thoughts of loved ones.

Place bay leaves in a pillowcase for safe sleep and prophetic dreams.

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