Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Eat Beauty:Natural Remedies/Powerful Benefits: Detoxing is good for the body, mind and soul

Detoxing is important to your anti-aging regiment. My formula for a pure and cleansing detox; Organic white warm Miso with ginger, garlic, lemon, cayenne, cilantro and turmeric. 

I will drink all day for up to 7 days, depending how I embrace it. This formula is peaceful so make sure to refrain from controversy and stress. Take long walks and contemplate all of the positive things in your life and environme
nt. If you can't think of any, it is time to make changes and create harmony and tranquility.

A fast is so much more than cleansing your body, it is cleansing your mind and introducing spiritualism in your heart. I reflect on my health, family, lost ones and new ones. I think about less fortunate and take action in some way no matter how small to heal another soul besides my own. -

After the cleanse, consume foods like winter squash, quinoa, cauliflower, papaya, blueberries, pomegranate, kale, beets, sprouted beans, fresh organic vegetable juice, green organic tea.

The first day or so is tough but after a couple of days I feel like Superman, my mind is clear, my body feels clean and vibrant and I am not hungry at all. I have plenty of energy and can't stop telling people how great I feel.

Note: detoxing is just eating whole plant foods...first of all you an make miso anytime. all you need is hot water and a tbs of miso...or make it in advance and bring a thermo jug....if you don't want to make the miso, detox with organic vegetables and fruit....detox is not consuming anything toxic in your body like processed foods, fast foods, meat and dairy. you an detox on salads if you choose.....

Organic Miso

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